LG Chemicals using Primozone generators

In Ochang, South Korea, the LG Chemicals facility manufactures electric car batteries and film for display panels. The company uses ozone to treat wastewater to reduce COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) from 300 ppm to 100 ppm. Each of the two water-treatment plants on the site has a capacity of 70 cubic meters per hour and uses six GM48 ozone generators.

After four years of using another brand of ozone generator for wastewater treatment, technical issues convinced LG Chemicals seek out another solution. The company replaced the existing machines with six Primozone GM48 units in one of its wastewater treatment plants. After seeing the new units in action, the company was very satisfied with the Primozone solution, and the following year LG Chemicals installed another six GM48s in the other wastewater treatment plant. While GM48 power consumption levels were found to be similar to those for the previous ozone generators, LOX costs were reduced by 30 %.

The Primozone generators continue to function well at LG Chemicals.


  • Reduce COD
  • 12 x GM48
  • 30 % of LOX expenses