Safety First!

Five easy steps to protect your investment in Ozone system. Part four.

One of the essential things in all ozone installations is the safety. Hence we decided to dedicate the last two sections of our five parts article to safety aspects and importance of the correct choice of components.

At Primozone, we stress that safety aspects must be considered even prior the choice of the ozone equipment. The ozone supplier that you have selected for your project should be able to guide you and outline the critical aspects of your safety studies. In case your supplier is unable to provide you with proper safety guidelines, you might want to reconsider your supplier choice altogether. The scope of risk is too high and involves your personal and the actual invest hence not an optimal point to save on costs.

When it comes to safety, the most obvious part to consider is ambient ozone and oxygen sensors.
The sensors are always used, but very few know how it is to be used, how many are needed and what the system shall do once it has detected ozone in the ambient air.

You should consider answering the following questions, which will make it easier to produce proper safety design.

Is the ozone equipment located in a locked room?
How many people can enter the ozone room?
How is the ventilation designed etc.?

The choice of the ambient ozone sensor is important and needs to be selected with attention and given the following:

What kind of signal can I get out of it, just on/off or a 4-20mA signal?
How often do I need to change the sensor, or can I calibrate it easily?
Relying on our experience, we had noticed that even the best sensors would operate with errors if the distance from the floor to the sensor is incorrect. A sensor that is mounted wrong will detect the ambient ozone to late, and then there is always a risk that the operator will get exposed to ambient ozone. It is, however, equally important to monitor oxygen levels, to prevent an increased risk of fire.

Please ALWAYS consult your sensor supplier before installing the sensor. A high-quality sensor will always pay off in the long run.

Do not make a mistake to save on safety!